These posts are my recap of our group's Star Wars Saga Edition game. They are written as a kind of "Ship's Log", from my character (Burt Larsson)'s point of view. For something different, I stylised Burt's shaken nature after the mission by using the great XKCD SimpleWriter to pen it. I allowed some exceptions - names - but aside from that, this entry has been simplified!
3593.05.07, Centaxday
So - that happened.
It's all a clouded memory, now, it all happened so fast, and was over before we knew it. But we got away, with<CLASSIFIED> and with our lives. That's got to be a win, right?
Let's see what I can remember of it...we reached the edge of the trees in the early afternoon. There were guards, watching the place. Not the trees. Just around the buildings, and some buildings more than others. Oh, and the ships. They could prove to be a problem.
KH-74 went and checked them out - he couldn't get close enough to them, but he left a 'gift' in the trees close to the ships. Just in case.
We waited until it was dark before moving forward. Adam and I moved forward quietly, listening at the doors, and looking into windows - not that there was much to see. Most of the people were asleep, and only a few kept watch. We decided on a few buildings that were most probably where <CLASSIFIED> was being kept, and sent Darossk and Taeko out to cut through their walls. Adam gave them cover with his smoke clouds, and the rest of us just shot at anything that moved.
After three empty rooms, Darossk finally found <CLASSIFIED>, and we made our way out quickly! Well, with a few pauses to thin The Facebook's numbers. One even shot me in the back! My guns did not like that - they took his smile right off his face! Too bad they couldn't hit anything, ever...
There was a mad run back into the woods, trying to find the spot KH-74 and Anton had set up too meet. Then, when we were back on board the 'Raptor, we took to the skies, and left the smelly simple rock behind.
So now we're headed back home, to get our big pay, and work out what to do from here. Will the others hang around with us? Is there more the Republic want us to do? Will they keep their watch-dogs on us, or send us in alone? How long will there be hair filling the auto-vacs?